In order to Easy on individual lashes extension by yourself DIF, the designer of GAOLashes designing and make the eyelash fans: eyelash fans line 2Deyelash fans line 3Deyelash fans line 4Deyelash fans line 5D. When the girl is doing makeup, the user just cut the short group and wear on. So easy to operate and makeup.

Eyelash Fans line 2D

The designer designed the eyelash fans line 2D, every 2 clusters as one unit. The lengths of eyelash hairs can be 8mm / 10mm / 12mm / 14mm /16mm. The curls of the lash fans are natural lash hairs, C curls and B curls.

Eyelash Fans line 3D

The designer designed the eyelash fans line 3D, every 3 clusters as one unit. The lengths of eyelash hairs can be 8mm / 10mm / 12mm / 14mm /16mm. The curls of the lash fans are natural lash hairs, B curls and C or CC curls. The hairs are crossmiss.

Eyelash Fans line 4D

The designer designed the eyelash fans line 4D, every 4 clusters as one unit. The lengths of eyelash hairs can be 8mm / 10mm / 12mm / 14mm /16mm. The curls of the lash fans are natural lash hairs, B curls and C curls.

Eyelash Fans line 5D

The designer designed the eyelash fans line 5D, every 5 clusters as one unit. The lengths of eyelash hairs can be 8mm / 10mm / 12mm / 14mm /16mm. The curls of the lash fans are natural lash hairs, B curls and C curls.